Monthly Archives October 2024

Using Voronoi Diagrams to Equally Divide/Allocate Adjoining Space Between Polygons

Posted by Nabil Kherouf
on October 28, 2024
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Using Voronoi Diagrams to Equally
Divide/Allocate Adjoining Space Between Polygons

Problem description

Given a set of arbitrary polygons belonging to different categories, we want to equally divide the space between polygons and compute the square footage of each category. For example, given different categories of machines on a factory floor; for each category, we need to sum up the area of each machine outline and its buffer zone on the factory floor.

The following images show a set of polygons in different color-coded categories.

Arbitrary polygons with different color-coded categories.
Desired buffer polygons for each category.
Square footage of each category by percent of total area.


We tried several approaches to compute the square footage including expanding the polygons until they intersect with each other and sending rays outward from each polygon to find its neighbors to compute the midpoints between polygons. Neither approach was successful. We needed an algorithm to find the buffer zone for each polygon in such a way that the space is equally divided between any two adjacent polygons. The question is how to computationally divide space occupied by an arbitrary polygon and its neighbors?

How to divide space between a set of polygons

To divide the between polygons, we found a concept in Computational Geometry called Voronoi Diagrams to find the set of midpoints between each polygons and its neighbors. We were able to use the Voronoi cells from each polygon diagram to construct center-lines between all polygons. This allows us to easily divide/allocate the area from each polygon but category.

Equally divided space between polygons

Voronoi Diagrams

The simplest definition of Voronoi Diagrams is it being the partition of a plane into a set of regions close to each of a set of objects. In other words, given a set of points in a plane, a Voronoi region/cell of a point A is an area encompassing points closer to A than any other points in the plane. To use Voronoi Diagrams with a set of polygons, we need to compute a cell for each segment of a given polygon. By performing a union on the resulting Voronoi cells, we find the center lines between the polygon and its neighbors (See example below).

Following image shows a Voronoi cell for each segment with matching colors:

Voronoi Cells/Segments with matching colors

Following images show the Voronoi cells (in red) for the segments of two adjacent polygons and the final centerlines in purple after performing the union of the Voronoi cells:

All Voronoi Cells (in red) for each
Centerlines (in purple) after union
of Voronoi Cells

Step-by-step process of finding the centerlines

  • For each polygon, extract segments and assign them an id to associate them with their original polygon.
  • Use Boost Geometry Library to compute Voronoi cells for each segment
  • Identify all segments of the same polygon and perform a boolean union of the cells associated with them.

The Boost Library provides a very efficient and easy-to-use function to compute the Voronoi Diagrams of any set of non-intersecting segments (except endpoints of consecutive segments). By passing the segments of each polygon to the Boost Library, we’re computing the Voronoi cell for each segment then we’re performing a boolean union of all resulting Voronoi cells. As mentioned before, the union will be a shape representing the centerlines between the polygon and its direct neighbors.

Please note that in the following C++ example, our polygons are stored in a collection called vPolygons. Also, segments are instances of the Segment_vd class which takes the coordinates of the segment endpoints and the index of the containing polygon as inputs to the constructor.

 // building a collection of segments from each polygon 
 // for each polygon
	for (unsigned index_polygon=0; index_polygon<vPolygons.size(); index_polygon++)
		Polygon poly = vPolygons[index_polygon];

   // for each segment in current polygon
		for (int i=0; i< poly.numPnts; i++)
			int curr = i, next = i==poly.numPnts-1?0:i+1;
			DPoint3d currP=poly.shapePnts[curr];
			DPoint3d nextP=poly.shapePnts[next];
      // add segment to collection with id = index_polygon
			segments.push_back(Segment_vd(currP.x, currP.y, nextP.x, nextP.y, index_polygon));	

	// Construction of the Voronoi Diagram.
	voronoi_diagram<double> vd;
	construct_voronoi(points.begin(), points.end(), segments.begin(), segments.end(),	&vd);


As shown above, Voronoi Diagrams were very essential in resolving our problem of area contribution by generating the midpoints between the polygons. Other applications for Voronoi Diagrams can also be found in various areas of study including indoor/outdoor navigation, robot motion, 3D Graphics, health, engineering and even natural sciences.

Helpful links:

Boost Library:

Voronoi Diagrams Tutorial from Boost Geometry Library:

Interactive Voronoi Diagram Generator:

Wolfrom Definition of Voronoi Diagrams:

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Collision detection inside CAD files

Posted by Nabil Kherouf
on October 28, 2024
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Using Collision Detection to Place Non-Intersecting Items in a CAD file

Problem Description

For legibility and presentation purposes, we would like to programmatically append a descriptive label to an item in a CAD file in such a way that it doesn’t collide with the any preexisting labels/items.

Illustrative Example

Given a CAD drawing of a set of cells with multiple labels placed on the side. Programmatically place a new label “001” without intersecting any existing labels/objects. See images below.

Collision between the “001” label and obstacle1

“001” Label intersecting “obstacle1”

No collision between the “001” label and existing obstacles

“001” label placed in a collision-free manner.


To achieve a collision-free placement of the new label for the example above, we’re using a concept in Computational Geometry called Minkowski Sums. The concept of Minkowski Sums of two polygons is defined as a set of points extracted by summing all pairs of points from the 2 polygons.

After creating a concave hull (C.H) for each obstacle and the new label, we’re convolving the C.H of the new label with the C.H of each obstacle at 0,0 origin and 180°. The result of the convolution will represent the collision space for each obstacle and the new label can be placed anywhere outside of the collision space.

Computing the collision-free space for the “001” label in the example above

Summary of the computation steps:

  • Extract the main placement line
  • Compute Minkowski Sums between label and obstacles at 0,0 org and at 180°
  • Clip the resulting polygons from Minkowski Sums from the main placement line

First step is to extract the main placement line (shown in white below) that represents all possible placement points, with or without collision with any existing objects. Next step is to compute the Minkowski Sums of the “001” label with each obstacle at zero origin and at 180°. Results are shown in dashed polygons in the image below. As explained before, the resulting shapes represent the collision space therefore they need to be clipped out of the main placement line (white line). All the other points on the main placement line will be valid candidates for collision-free placement. For simplicity, we will pick the point closest to beginning of the side line.

Main placement line shown in White

Main placement line shown in white. This represents all placement points with or without collision

Dashed polygons representing Minkowski Sums of label and each obstacle

Dashed polygons being the Minkowski Sums of label and each obstacle

Collision-free space shown in blue

All possible collision-free placement points on the 2 blue segments

Placement of label on collision-free space

“001” label placed on first valid collision-free point

Sample code

  Descr: Returns the Minkowski Sums between a robot and and set of obstacles
int mcs_minkowskiSums 
 VecMsPoints			vRobotPts,		//  => flag hull pts [MU]
 vector<VecMsPoints>	vvObstaclePts,  //  => obstacle pts [MU]
 vector<VecMsPoints>&	rvvMinSums		// <= 
	polygon_set a, b, c;
	polygon poly;
	std::vector<point> pts_robot;


  // Convert robot points to UORs only necessary if you're using MDL (Bentley uStation)
	int index =0;
	for each (DPoint3d pt in vRobotPts) // convert to UORs
		DPoint3d	dPt;
		Point3d		iPt;
		dPt.x = mdlCnv_masterUnitsToUors(pt.x);
		dPt.y = mdlCnv_masterUnitsToUors(pt.y);
		dPt.z = 0.0;

		mdlCnv_DPointToIPoint (&iPt, &dPt); 

	boost::polygon::set_points(poly, pts_robot.begin(), pts_robot.end());
	a += poly;

	for each (VecMsPoints vObstaclePts in vvObstaclePts)
	  // Convert obtscale points to UORs. ** only necessary if you're using MDL (Bentley uStation)
		polygon poly1;
		std::vector<point> pts;
		for each (DPoint3d pt in vObstaclePts) // convert to UORs and * -1 for Mink Diff
			DPoint3d	dPt;
			Point3d		iPt;
			dPt.x = mdlCnv_masterUnitsToUors(pt.x) * -1.0;
			dPt.y = mdlCnv_masterUnitsToUors(pt.y) * -1.0;
			dPt.z = 0.0;

			mdlCnv_DPointToIPoint (&iPt, &dPt); 

		boost::polygon::set_points(poly1, pts.begin(), pts.end());
		b += poly1;

	convolve_two_polygon_sets(c, a, b); // From Boost

	if (c.size() == 0)
		return FALSE;
	if (c.empty())
		return FALSE;

	//SimplePolygons simplePolygons;
	using namespace boost::polygon;
	vector<polygon> resultPolygons;
	//for each(SimplePolygon poly in simplePolygons)
	for each(polygon poly in resultPolygons)
		rvvMinSums.push_back(mcs_get_points_poly(begin_points(poly), end_points(poly)));
	return TRUE;


We have shown in this post how to automatically add a new item to a CAD file without collision with existing items. We used Minkowski Sums for obstacle detection in a CAD file . The application of this concept can however extend beyond CAD/Collision Detection and can be used in numerous other fields such as robot motion, 3D modeling, … etc

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